
ender cetin

Ender is an imam and works as a prison chaplain. Since 2014, has been involved in the organization ""meet2respect""- A non-profit organization that promotes dialogue between Muslims, Jews and Christians in Berlin and organizes joint tandem trips.

igor iktin

Igor is a rabbi with Ukrainian roots and is dedicated in his work to the digitization of Jewish-German writings. He has been involved with ""meet2respect"" since 2017.

ahmad mansour

Ahmad Mansour is an Israeli-Palestinian psychologist and author. He is a practicing Muslim, but also enjoys critically examining his own faith. Ahmad works as a research associate at the "Zentrum für demokratische Kultur" (Center for Democratic Culture) in Berlin and as a consulting program director at the "European Foundation for Democracy" in Brussels. His work focuses on Islamism and antisemitism.

ben salomo

Ben Salomo is a rapper who hosted the battle rap event ""Rap on Wednesday" for eight years. He is a practicing Jew and his real name is Jonathan Kalmanovich. He had to withdraw from the German hip-hop scene because of prevalent antisemtism in this scene.

Celal Cakar

Celal Cakar is a journalist with Turkish roots. He was born and raised in Osnabrück and works as a multimedia editor in Berlin.

Sarah Cohen-Fantl

Sarah Cohen-Fantl is a German-Israeli journalist with Czech roots. She spent the past five years working as a war reporter in Israel. She is currently writing her first book about her family's history and family members who survived the holocaust. She works as a freelance journalist in Berlin.

Nogah and Miriam

Nogah and Miriam are two 17-year-old students from Berlin who met in kindergarten. Nogah is Israeli and Jewish, Miriam is Palestinian and Muslim. Their faith in God unites them and is the most important thing in their lives. Their families are also friends with each other.