our team

charlotte paar

Actually, I studied to be a teacher, for the subjects German and history. In addition to my studies and a short time at school, I wrote for the Leipzig university newspaper luhze. I was head of the reportage and graphics department there. Now, thanks to the FreeTech Academy, I can finally fulfill my dream of working as a cultural journalist at arte-Magazine.  

abdul Rahmatullah

Besides internships at Sat.1 and ProSieben, I completed my bachelor's degree in journalism at the Macromedia University in Hamburg. Even before my studies, I was interested in crisis areas, crime and politics. I pursue these interests in my permanent editorial department at BILD.

josephine bayer

In 2021, I graduated from the Freie Universität Berlin with a Bachelor’s degree in North American Studies. During my studies, I developed a keen interest in podcasts and songwriting, and started my own podcast about singer-songwriters in Berlin. As part of the journalism programme at FreeTech Academy, I am working in the editorial office of the music news website “Laut.de”.

mariella mandurino

After my year abroad in Paris, I completed my bachelor's degree in journalism at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. It was with great pleasure that I started my two-year traineeship at the FreeTech Academy in July 2022. My great passion is entertainment, so I'm excited to work for BILD Show.

ibrahim olalere

I have always been passionate about storytelling and curious about the different roles of XRs. This project gave me an opportunity to explore using SnapAR.
I am currently studying Interaction design at CODE university where I grow further as an experience designer and developer.